Do Zimbabweans need a visa for Rwanda?
Yes. Recently, the Republic of Rwanda was ranked as the 9th safest country in the world. The affiliate tourism industry has expanded more than ever. Everyone's first thought when considering a new tourist destination was Rwanda, particularly Zimbabweans. Travelers from Zimbabwe who wish to visit Rwanda, however, must first possess a current visa in order to be permitted to do so.
Travelers from Zimbabwe are permitted to enter Rwanda for transit, conferences, and tourism due to the e-visa, an electronic document recognized by the government of Rwanda. Zimbabweans should apply for a traditional country at the Rwandan Embassy for further reasons. Travelers who need a visa must go to the nearest country where the Rwandan Embassy is located if Nigeria does not have one.
If citizens of Zimbabwe have not yet received a visa, on the website of Rwanda Immigration Services, they can apply for a Rwanda e-visa. Travelers from Zimbabwe can apply for their own e-visa through a simple and convenient process in under 20 minutes using a computer or a smartphone, as long as there is an internet connection. The e-visa result will be delivered to your email box as a PDF file. In order to obtain information updates and your e-visa, please check your email periodically.